So, today I had another one of "those days." The kind that don't come around often, and, when they do, rock your world and your paradigm. I've come to appreciate these days, and the potential they hold.
Today, I spent the morning in a staff meeting with Sy Rogers. Sy is a leading voice around the world on the topic of sexual healing and brokenness. He has a story of past abuse, abandonment and struggles with sexual sin. His story is not only an awesome testimony to the redeeming power of God, but also provides a relevant message that pierces to the heart of the issues facing our generation.
"The roots of our humanity go deep in our lives, but God's grace goes deeper."
Today I was again reminded of the fact that we all share a common humanity...a sin nature. Every single person you have ever met is equally a sinner...and in need of a savior. As modern issues of sexualtiy have surfaced, the Church, at times, has lost it's voice of love and grace...and has become viewed hostile to people, rather than an advocate for a God who is an advocate for people. I don't think this happened intentionally...and is not meant to be a broad statement of every Christian or Pastor. But there is no doubt that, in our generation, the Church is struggling to find it's footing in combating this issue.
At the same time, I see Churches (like ours, and others around the world), who are committed to getting it right in this area. To find a voice of Grace and Truth to a world that desperately needs both!
As we move forward, we need a daily reminder of the cross and our own humanity as leaders. We need to walk in the grace of God, and display it to the world. And we need to listen to the leaders in the Church today who are carrying this message...and follow their lead, so the Church can find it's way to a place of relevance...all for the purpose of bringing broken people back to God.
I say all of this to say....
I hope you are planning to be at Church tonight (if you are in the Seattle/Tacoma area). Sy is going to bring a message and story that is sure to leave an imprint on your life. Let me know if I can provide you with details.
Let's keep moving forward Church...our greatest days are ahead of us.
Another Life-Changing Meeting
Will You Lose It? Pt.1
Adding Value
How do you respond to vision that you did not dream up or conceive? This is familiar territory, and a common road that all support leaders and teams will walk. It is a journey that requires our attention, since it is tied closely to team success and unity.
I'm taking a break today from talking about Rebellion to bring you a thought from the legendary John Maxwell today. If most people will never serve at the top of their organization, Church, etc....then most people will also be in a place to receive and implement vision they did not generate. This is a place of sacrifice, but also a place of greatness. People who are willing to lose themselves for the good of their teams will find their lives in a new way.
John Maxwell describes the common responses to Vision:
1. Attack It – People who immediately set out against a vision.
2. Ignore It – These people may not attack the vision, but they don’t support it either.
3. Abandon It – These people leave the organization because the vision violates their deep down values. They cannot bring support, so they leave.
4. Adapt To It – These people find a way to align with the vision, although reluctantly.
5. Champion It – These people make the vision of “WE” the vision of “ME.” They realize that vision is cast by one person, but accomplished by many.
6. Add Value To It – The most positive response to a leader’s vision is to be beyond championing it and to actually add value to it. The vision moves forward because of their investment and support. It is impossible to distinguish personal and team vision for this person, because they are one in the same.
**NOTE: Not everyone gets the chance to add value to the vision. There is a prerequisite to this – and that is to Champion It first.
As you and your team set out this fall to build God's Kingdom...don't be a long ranger. Don't build in isolation. Make up your mind that your best position is the place of matter what the cost. Our teams are better when we add to the vision together.