It is Tuesday Morning, and I'm sitting in a meeting room here at the Church offices waiting for our weekly creative team meeting to begin (with the typical latte in hand). This is our once a week meeting with Pastor where we come together to strategically and creatively plan our upcoming services and teaching series. (Wow - that was a mouthful)
It is funny to me that I attend a Creative Meeting. As if creativity could be confined to a meeting or an agenda. In fact, we notice our meetings often run long - or the discussion continues long after the meeting has ended. I love this meeting because it feels like I am doing something I was created to do - CREATE!
Genesis 1:27 NIV - "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him..."
As Ed Young has said (countless times probably), we are created in the image of our creative creator! We are created to create! Now, you may not consider yourself a creative person. But I guarantee you that you are fitted from the inside out with creativity - in the image of God.
God also wants to create something in you and I today. In fact, in Psalm 51:10 we see David's cry to God to "Create in me a pure heart, O God...". If we are open and receptive, God wants to create something new in us today!
God, today let me see how I can approach life and ministry with creativity. Let me usher in the new things you want to do in my life, and not become reliant on the past, for that takes no creativity whatsoever. May I bless the world around me with a fresh heart and spirit.
My personal action steps for today...
1. Find a creative way to invest into a young leader
2. Find a creative way to bless someone with a gift
3. Tackle a challenge with fresh passion and creativity.
Thanks for reading this today. I've returned to the blogging world, and you'll be hearing much more from me from here on out...
Be blessed today
Great thoughts--I think a lot of us limit our definition of "creative" to those who build things or create tangible art (music, drawings, crafts, etc.). But creativity is simply about newness--thinking of a new idea, trying out a new activity. Thanks for the reminder.
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