A historic election is on our doorstep. No matter which way the election goes this year, history will be made, and democracy will have a great victory in the world. As Christians, we have a Biblical responsibility to seek out the principles of God's Word when it comes to how we vote, above voting tradition or party loyalty.
I have decided to post (in three parts) a recent statement written by a team at our Church (Champions Centre). This is meant to be a guide to a Biblical look at voting, based on how we view the principles of God's Word. In case you haven't read it in it's entirety, here it is (grouped/split into three parts by me)...
Part One:// The Role of Governement, Faith Based Organizations, Education, and Science/Technological Advances
WE BELIEVE it is the duty of citizens to participate in their own government for the sake of the common good. Not to do so is to abandon the political process to those who do not have the common good in mind and to those who do not have a Biblical worldview and understanding of issues. We encourage Christians to not only vote, but to be actively involved in the political process and arena.
"Remind the people to respect the government and be law abiding, always ready to lend a helping hand." Titus 3:1
"Make sure you don’t take things for granted and go slack in working for the common good; share what you have with others." Hebrews 13:16msg
WE BELIEVE that government should reward ambitious labor and encourage wealth creating ingenuity rather than penalizing hard work with stiff tax penalties. We believe that government’s role in society should be to maintain order, uphold the laws of the land, and offer its citizens encouragement to be responsible and productive citizens. We do not believe that government’s role is to redistribute wealth.
"The diligent find freedom in their work: the lazy are oppressed by work." Proverbs 12:24
WE BELIEVE that people should be encouraged by the government to be self reliant and independent. At the same time, we recognize that aid is necessary for those who are elderly, sick, mentally ill, or otherwise disabled and unable to work. We believe in programs and faith based partnerships that offer dignity and reward people based on their effort to overcome the obstacles and hurdles they face, while not abandoning the need for compassionate assistance for those in need.
"Each one of us needs to look after the good of the people around us, asking, “How can I help?” That’s exactly what Jesus did." Romans 15:23msg
"Never walk away from someone who deserves help; your hand is God’s hand for that person." Proverbs 3:27msg
WE BELIEVE that God has blessed America and that we have a moral obligation to help other peoples and nations who are less fortunate than we are. This obligation should not simply be a governmental handout philosophy but a “hands up” philosophy. We believe that the best chance of success for helping others comes when faith based organizations are involved. Reliance solely upon our government alone to solve the world’s problems and poverty is destined to fail.
The Apostle Paul tells us of his own concern for those who are in need. “First though, I am going to Jerusalem to deliver a relief offering to the followers of Jesus there. The Greeks…decided they wanted to take up a collection for the poor…it is only right that that they do what they can to relieve their poverty.” Romans 15:25-28msg
WE BELIEVE that we are to be good stewards of the earth. We have an obligation to God to preserve and protect His creation as much as possible. We believe that God has placed man in the role of taking dominion over the earth in order that we might enjoy it, and use its natural resources responsibly to sustain life. We recognize that we have a responsibility to support and promote not only conservation principles and practices but also science and technological advances that will help us apply good stewardship principles.
"God took Man and set him down in the Garden of Eden to work the ground and keep it in good order." Genesis 2:15msg
God blessed Noah and his sons: He said, “Prosper! Reproduce! Fill the earth! Every living creature…You’re responsible for them.” Genesis 9:1-2msg
Because God made humans in His image, reflecting God’s very nature, you’re here to bear fruit, reproduce, lavish life on Earth, live bountifully! Genesis 9:7
WE BELIEVE that science and technological advances should be encouraged in the realm of medicine. However, we believe that moral considerations should be at the forefront of any new scientific advances and that the end does not justify the means. We believe that creativity and ingenuity can be encouraged without abandoning the respect for human life.
WE BELIEVE that parents should have choice in where and how their children are educated. We believe that those who work with educating children should be applauded and supported. We believe that parents should be allowed to choose where their tax dollars and education dollars are spent. This includes charter schools, private schools, Christian schools and home school options as well as the right to place children in the public school of the parent’s choice. We believe that parent’s have a responsibility to participate in their child’s education. We believe in supporting leaders that can help us find ways to provide a good education, in a safe environment for all children.
Values Based Voting/ Part One:// The Role of Governement, Faith Based Organizations, Education, and Science/Technological Advances
Saturday, October 25, 2008 by Brandon Stewart
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