I'm going to confess...there is a side of my generation that, quite frankly, I can't stand. I love being young. I love the time in history we live in. I love everything about today, but sometimes I feel like an outsider among people my age.
I feel this way because I've seen a lack of honor rise in my generation. I've watched the corrosion of trust in leaders and authority. A deterioration of true submission. I've been personally attacked, and I'm told that I'm old school...brainwashed...and
I see many young people today looking for problems like they are going to win an award for finding them. It's trendy to protest. It's socially acceptable to call attention to the problem. And yet, so many of these same people rarely participate in the fix. When it comes to Church, many people point to it's imperfections, but somehow see it beneath them to be part of the solution. So, they simply walk away. Can anyone honestly tell me this is the right response?
A rebellious spirit that thinks it is solving a problem, but in actuality is causing deterioration all around it.
Our generation hides behind the word LOVE. "Love is all you need," the slogan says. Don't ask people to change... just love them how they are. This is what the world says. This is only half of what the Bible says. The reason this is so concerning to me, is that it breeds a lack of submission. It puts correction and hate in the same category (when in fact correction is a sign of love). It gives people an excuse to not listen to the words of authority, or wise counsel. It sets up a standard of right and wrong that is so personal, it is unaccountable to anyone else. And when someone comes along to bring wisdom, it is met with dishonor.
If only my generation could see the lie it is buying into. Living life only loyal to yourself is not the best way. A life outside of the protection of authority is a misguided, destructive life. My generation has a good heart. We want to fix things. But sadly, many are misguided in the way they relate to the world around them. They have listened to a lie. I guess they just need to see the solution in me.
I'm calling on my generation to BRING HONOR BACK. I'm issuing a call to return to a submitted, honoring, loyal life. One that doesn't simply find the problems, but brings solutions. I'm here to bring a voice to the young people in our world who also see this major challenge facing us. We can start a new trend. We can be part of the solution. We can model the incredible change that comes from honoring, submitted, loyal people.
1. Honor your parents. Build your life on a platform of honor to them. They are the source of your foundation. Even if you don't have a close relationship with them (or even know them), honor them in your heart...even if it is simply for the fact that they brought you into this world.
2. Honor your leaders. Take time today to write an encouraging note. Tell them what they mean to you. When corrected, receive like an adult. Take it in as someone who is hungry for wisdom. You'll find a great place of strength and growth in this attitude.
3. Honor your peers. Constantly build them up. Pull God's purpose out of their life.
4. Honor those you are responsible for the people that support you at work...or the people you lead on your team. Don't allow a "serve me" attitude to live in your team. SERVE THEM! Succeed by seeing them succeed.
Never allow the people around you to not see their own greatness. There is no harm that can come to our world with too much honor. Let's bring it back. Let's issue a new call in our generation. It's time for a new solution...and I'm going to be part of it.
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