WE ENCOURAGE all Christians to embrace their citizenship not merely as a duty and privilege, but as an opportunity to meaningfully participate in building a culture of life. Every voice matters in the public forum. Every vote counts. Every act of responsible citizenship is an exercise of significant individual power. Our position as Christians on issues should first and foremost be congruent with scripture, our opinions shaped by and submitted to a Biblical worldview. At the same time, we believe that honest discussion and participation in the election process should be positive and uplifting.
"Welcome with open arms fellow believers who don’t see things the way you do. And don’t jump all over them every time they say or do something you don’t agree with – even when it seems that they are strong on opinions but weak in the faith department. Remember they have their own history to deal with. Treat them gently." Romans 14:1msg
WE BELIEVE that Christians should be values based voters. We are to take our duty as Christians seriously, and as Americans to value the freedom God has given us. We believe Christians should take the time to research the candidates carefully, to weigh their positions against a Biblical viewpoint, and to vote responsibly.
"Submission to authority and co-responsibility for the common good make it morally obligatory to pay taxes, to exercise the right to vote, and to defend one's country." Rom 13:7msg
"It’s wrong, very wrong, to go along with injustice." Proverbs 24:23
WE BELIEVE that Christians should choose to vote for the greater good of society. We believe that voting should not be based on selfish self interest, but that each decision should be thought out in terms of who will bring the greater good.
"Be a good citizen. All governments are under God. Insofar as there is peace and order it is God’s order. So live responsibly as a citizen. If you are irresponsible to the state, then you are irresponsible with God, and God will hold you responsible. Duly constituted authorities are only a threat if you are trying to get by with something." Romans 13:1-4msg
"That’s also why you pay taxes – so that an orderly way of life can be maintained. Fulfill your obligations as a citizen. Pay your taxes, pay your bills, and respect your leaders." Romans 13:6-7msg
WE BELIEVE that war should not be entered into lightly. We believe that the “power of the sword” lies with the government and not with the church. We believe that it should be our earnest duty to pray for those in positions of leadership and authority who must make these decisions. We believe that we should support the cause of freedom throughout the world. We believe that we should respect and honor those who have and are giving their time and lives for the cause of freedom.
WE BELIEVE that prayer is not only a freedom and privilege to be exercised it is a conduit for change through which we can seek direction in making God-driven choices.
My final notes...
In the Old Testament, the nation of Israel constantly found themselves in trouble when they looked for a savior outside of the Lord. The Israelites regularly would establish other gods...or even political figures...in which they placed their hope for protection, provision, victory in battle, and leadership. This ultimately led to them not recognizing Jesus, because they were looking for a political king (and Jesus came to establish a different Kingdom).
At the end of the day...when the election is over...let's remember who deserves our ultimate faith and confidence. Above a political leader or party, let's seek for the will of God to be done in our nation at this time.
And commit with me to pray for our leaders, both current, as well as those to be elected. Our country needs great leadership for the days ahead.
Values Based Voting/Part Three:// War, Christian Participation in Government, & Final Notes…
Values Based Voting/Part Two:// Sanctity of Human Life, Social Issues, and Religious Freedom & Morality
WE BELIEVE that Christians should exercise their power to vote in ways that honor all human life. We urge you to see beyond party affiliations and traditional voting. We believe that we have a responsibility to defend and protect the rights of those who are most vulnerable. This includes the unborn, disabled, mentally ill, elderly and orphans. We encourage voters to lay aside party politics and media driven sound bites in order to analyze campaign rhetoric critically, and to choose to vote for political leaders according to principle and values that support life, not party affiliation.
WE BELIEVE that a candidates’ position on the sanctity of human life should be a primary consideration when choosing whom to vote for or whom not to vote for. We believe that this issue reveals the heart of an individual. If a candidate does not understand or believe in the protection of human life and the most vulnerable in society, it reveals a character trait that is in opposition to the very nature of God, who we believe is the author of all life. While we acknowledge that the vast majority of elected officials will never vote in any substantive way on abortion, euthanasia, capital punishment, or embryonic stem cell research, none the less a candidate’s position on these issues is very revealing as to their values and their viewpoints. We discourage Christian voters from voting for a candidate who does not embrace and support pro-life positions.
"Oh, yes, you shaped me first inside, then out; you formed me in my mother’s womb…body and soul I am marvelously made." Psalm 139:13msg
WE BELIEVE that sin is a choice. As such, we do not believe that persons making lifestyle choices should be given minority status, special rights or special laws of protection. We believe that everyone confronts sin daily and has lifestyle choices to make on a regular basis. Without a Biblical worldview and without a clear understanding of scripture many people falsely assume that acting upon a sinful or sexual impulse is merely a personal choice matter, a matter of nature. We do not believe that special rights should be given to individuals based on their decision to actively engage in a sinful lifestyle. Lifestyle choices should not constitute status as a minority. We believe that all people deserve our compassion and respect without us abandoning scripture. As Christians, we believe that God’s grace and forgiveness is for all who ask.
"It’s true that moral guidance and counsel need to be given, but the way you say it and to whom you say it are as important as what you say." 1 Timothy 1:8
WE BELIEVE that morality can not be legislated, but neither should voters encourage the legislation of immorality. We believe that Christians have a duty to vote, but we also believe that Christians have a greater duty to proclaim the gospel. For too long, American Christians have sought to assimilate into popular culture, rather than seeking to win as many as possible to the faith. We have, in large part, been changed by American culture, rather than becoming the change agent for American culture.
"Don’t become so well adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking .Instead fix your attention on God, changed from the inside out." Romans 12:1-2msg.
"The law always ended up being used as a Band-Aid on sin instead of a deep healing of it." Romans 8:4msg
"All that passing laws against sin did was produce more lawbreakers. But sin didn’t, and doesn’t have a chance in competition with the aggressive forgiveness we call grace." Romans 5:20-21msg
WE BELIEVE that democracy is not a substitute for Christianity. Throughout history, it has been proven that nations stand - or fall - with the values which it embodies and promotes. American secular society today encourages people to have whatever moral convictions they please - as long as they keep them on the “private” preserves of their consciences, in their homes and in their churches, and out of the public arena. We, as believers, are called to be “leaven” and “salt and light” in our communities, our school, our workplaces, and our families. It is by our compassion and our witness that we are to influence society. Reliance upon government to be the moral influence abandons the Great Commission mandate we were given by Jesus.
"Make the master proud of you by being good citizens. Respect the authorities, whatever their level; they are God’s emissaries for keeping order…exercise your freedom by serving God, not by breaking the rules…Treat everyone you meet with dignity…Revere God. Respect the government." 1 Peter 2:13-17msg
"If the way you live isn’t consistent with what you believe then it is wrong." Romans 14:23msg
WE BELIEVE that freedom of religion should be zealously guarded and protected. The state should not interfere in the right of an individual to choose their own religion. We believe that the state should not allow discrimination against the practice of Christianity either. By voting for candidates who support freedom of religion policies, we are ensuring that we will be able to continue to practice our faith freely and openly. We understand that the doctrine of “separation of church and state” is not in the constitution. We understand that our forefather’s intent was to insure that we would be able to freely practice our religion without interference.
"The first thing I want you to do is pray. Pray every way you know how, for everyone you know. Pray especially for rules and their governments to rule well so we can be quietly about our business of living simply, in humble contemplation. This is the way our Savior God wants us to live." 1 Tim 2:2msg
"Stand up for me against world opinion and I’ll stand up for you before my Father in heaven." Matthew 10:32msg
Values Based Voting/ Part One:// The Role of Governement, Faith Based Organizations, Education, and Science/Technological Advances
A historic election is on our doorstep. No matter which way the election goes this year, history will be made, and democracy will have a great victory in the world. As Christians, we have a Biblical responsibility to seek out the principles of God's Word when it comes to how we vote, above voting tradition or party loyalty.
I have decided to post (in three parts) a recent statement written by a team at our Church (Champions Centre). This is meant to be a guide to a Biblical look at voting, based on how we view the principles of God's Word. In case you haven't read it in it's entirety, here it is (grouped/split into three parts by me)...
Part One:// The Role of Governement, Faith Based Organizations, Education, and Science/Technological Advances
WE BELIEVE it is the duty of citizens to participate in their own government for the sake of the common good. Not to do so is to abandon the political process to those who do not have the common good in mind and to those who do not have a Biblical worldview and understanding of issues. We encourage Christians to not only vote, but to be actively involved in the political process and arena.
"Remind the people to respect the government and be law abiding, always ready to lend a helping hand." Titus 3:1
"Make sure you don’t take things for granted and go slack in working for the common good; share what you have with others." Hebrews 13:16msg
WE BELIEVE that government should reward ambitious labor and encourage wealth creating ingenuity rather than penalizing hard work with stiff tax penalties. We believe that government’s role in society should be to maintain order, uphold the laws of the land, and offer its citizens encouragement to be responsible and productive citizens. We do not believe that government’s role is to redistribute wealth.
"The diligent find freedom in their work: the lazy are oppressed by work." Proverbs 12:24
WE BELIEVE that people should be encouraged by the government to be self reliant and independent. At the same time, we recognize that aid is necessary for those who are elderly, sick, mentally ill, or otherwise disabled and unable to work. We believe in programs and faith based partnerships that offer dignity and reward people based on their effort to overcome the obstacles and hurdles they face, while not abandoning the need for compassionate assistance for those in need.
"Each one of us needs to look after the good of the people around us, asking, “How can I help?” That’s exactly what Jesus did." Romans 15:23msg
"Never walk away from someone who deserves help; your hand is God’s hand for that person." Proverbs 3:27msg
WE BELIEVE that God has blessed America and that we have a moral obligation to help other peoples and nations who are less fortunate than we are. This obligation should not simply be a governmental handout philosophy but a “hands up” philosophy. We believe that the best chance of success for helping others comes when faith based organizations are involved. Reliance solely upon our government alone to solve the world’s problems and poverty is destined to fail.
The Apostle Paul tells us of his own concern for those who are in need. “First though, I am going to Jerusalem to deliver a relief offering to the followers of Jesus there. The Greeks…decided they wanted to take up a collection for the poor…it is only right that that they do what they can to relieve their poverty.” Romans 15:25-28msg
WE BELIEVE that we are to be good stewards of the earth. We have an obligation to God to preserve and protect His creation as much as possible. We believe that God has placed man in the role of taking dominion over the earth in order that we might enjoy it, and use its natural resources responsibly to sustain life. We recognize that we have a responsibility to support and promote not only conservation principles and practices but also science and technological advances that will help us apply good stewardship principles.
"God took Man and set him down in the Garden of Eden to work the ground and keep it in good order." Genesis 2:15msg
God blessed Noah and his sons: He said, “Prosper! Reproduce! Fill the earth! Every living creature…You’re responsible for them.” Genesis 9:1-2msg
Because God made humans in His image, reflecting God’s very nature, you’re here to bear fruit, reproduce, lavish life on Earth, live bountifully! Genesis 9:7
WE BELIEVE that science and technological advances should be encouraged in the realm of medicine. However, we believe that moral considerations should be at the forefront of any new scientific advances and that the end does not justify the means. We believe that creativity and ingenuity can be encouraged without abandoning the respect for human life.
WE BELIEVE that parents should have choice in where and how their children are educated. We believe that those who work with educating children should be applauded and supported. We believe that parents should be allowed to choose where their tax dollars and education dollars are spent. This includes charter schools, private schools, Christian schools and home school options as well as the right to place children in the public school of the parent’s choice. We believe that parent’s have a responsibility to participate in their child’s education. We believe in supporting leaders that can help us find ways to provide a good education, in a safe environment for all children.
An incredible weekend - onward to Team Church Conference!
We just got done with an incredible weekend in Church! I hope you were able to be part of it all. I am in the car right now driving home from Bellevue, where we had an awesome rally with Paul Scanlon. The building was packed out for the first time. Worship was off the charts!!! The Church really came hungry and ready to worship God tonight. It was awesome to walk out on the platform and see the front of the room full of people packed all the way down to the stage...hungry and asking God to do something great. Paul Scanlon continued his messages from the weekend, and I have to say that it all hit me very close to home. He talked about the Church's heart for the world - the broken - and the lost. He talked about the spirit of being inclusive! Wow! If you weren't there for any of it - get the recording!
Tomorrow morning kicks off all the action in the 252 conference. And tomorrow night kicks off the main part of the conference with an awesome rally! Some of our friends from other partner churches are joining us on the platform for worship tomorrow night. I'm excited to see God just really open up over our lives and the Churches represented.
One night down - and things are just heating up. See you all this week!
Brandon Stewart
This message sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.
Kicking off an incredible week...
Alright.....its here. Team Church Conference. Everything kicks off this weekend, and I have a huge expectation in my heart for what God is going to do. I just got done eating lunch at home by the lake....and in a bit I'm off to soundcheck and a great service at Church tonight. I've been working on things for this conference week for quite a while now - and it feels a bit like the "calm before the storm" today.....except in a good way, because I'm looking forward to the "storm.".
I can already tell we're in for an awesome week. This morning we had a breakfast with our Kingdom Builders (ask me what this is if you're curious), and Paul Scanlon was our guest speaker. He had such awesome wisdom that he shared during his few minutes....he talked about change and transition. It was an awesome message about the mind set needed to take the Church forward with vision and progress. If this morning was any indication, we're in for a great time this week! He'll be speaking at all services this weekend, so be sure you are at as many as possible!
Tomorrow night in Bellevue is going to be awesome as well. We're doing our first major rally at our new building up there.....and I hope that everyone really comes out in force. We have no pressure on ourselves in terms of attendance, but I think we're all hoping to fill the place up!! It would be the first time! Regardless, it promises to be a great night of faith and excitement as we launch into a great week.
Hope you're going to be part of this week. If you need any more information, hit me up.
See you around at Church this week!
Brandon Stewart
This message sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.
Unified prayer
I've had an awesome day today. I was part of our regular Creative Meeting this morning for upcoming services....and then spent some time in prayer with a good segment of our church staff right before lunch.
Our Church staff members made a decision last week to come together regularly each day this week for prayer. We wanted to pray in unity on several consecutive days....believing God for great things to happen at our conference. Its been awesome to see this group of busy, hard working people stop.....pause.....and take some time to really petition God for something significant at Team Church Conference.
I'd like to ask you to join us in this....to take time every day between now and the conference to stop and pray over this event that is sitting on our doorstep. Jesus reminded us to simply ask when we desire to see something happen. He even tells a parable about a visitor at midnight....which shows us that our prayers can be answered even simply because of our persistence!
So let's all be coming together this week - leading up to a great conference - and let's believe God for a significant conference next week!
Can't wait for this weekend - its going to be great!
Now I'm off to figure out something for lunch!
Brandon Stewart
This message sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.
An incredible weekend. :: The countdown is on!
Well, this weekend at Church was awesome. Pastor had an incredible message on T.E.A.M. Church - and the kind of Church Champions Centre can be when we come together. If you weren't able to be here this weekend, this is definately one to podcast!
We had an incredible time of worship this weekend - and we introduced a new song called "With Everything"...it is a new song off the new Hillsong CD "This is Our God.". This song is incredible - it is a prayer for the Church. It has really inspired me in my personal worship times lately - and I was so excited to bring it to the Church this weekend. People really responded...right from the beginning, the Church grabbed it and really started singing it. It was awesome.
I can feel the excitement in the air, as we are now only one week from our annual conference. We've added some new night sessions this year....we've continued our tradition of an awesome night of worship (Hillsong London this year!)...and we've beefed up the pre-conference weekend with a great Sunday night Rally in Bellevue. I just think this conference is going to be awesome.
We're going to be busy and preparing all week for this event...but let's not forget to stop, pray, and believe God for a great event that will refresh Church leaders, inspire young people, and reach many people with the gospel.
Thank you to all the great volunteers that are already beginning to contribute and help to make this event great - you are the true champions of Champions Centre.
Let's get ready for an incredible conference!
Brandon Stewart
This message sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.
My prayer for the Church
We're about a week and a half out from our annual Team Church Conference, and the closer this event gets, the more excited I get about what God is going to do in the lives of people that are at the event. I hope you're planning to be there.
The purpose of this conference is to inspire people in their God-given purpose and mandate - to build the local Church, which is the hope of the world. There is nothing we can do in life that is more in line with Christ than to love and build the House of God.
This past weekend I was thinking about the Church, and this verse came to mind....
John 17:1 NIV - "After Jesus said this, he looked toward heaven and prayed..."
Here we see Jesus praying....praying for himself, the disciples and all that would follow (the Church). This chapter shows the incredible heart of Jesus - and his most passionate prayers the night before he was crucified. He prayed that his Church would be one...unified in purpose and passion. He prayed that we would truly rise up as light to the world, pointing people toward the One Way.
My question for you today...
What is your prayer for the church today? Is it that people would experience freedom? Is it thankfulness for your salvation? Is it for breakthrough for people? Is it that the Church would rise up and deliver hope and answers to the world?
I'd like to ask you to do something. Join me over the next two weeks leading up to Team Church Conference. Spend time in prayer each day, and pray around this topic...."My prayer for the church today is....". Take that topic...pray it out....and believe in prayer with me that our upcoming conference would be a week where Church leaders would be inspired to true greatness.
Share your prayer with me - and let's join together to see the Cause of Jesus Christ move forward in our city.
I hope your signed up to be part of the conference coming up, either as a full time delegate, or as a volunteer. If you need more info on how to get involved, just let me know.
Have a great week guys!
Thoughts from a triathlon
This morning I watched my brother run a triathlon race, while we are here in Lake Chelan. Wow. You've no doubt seen the Ironman triathlon from Hawaii on TV (the full length race), but if you've never been to a race like this in person - I'd encourage you to check one out. It is so inspiring to see people giving this sport their all, and finishing strong.
My brother ran an "olympic distance" race today, which is essentially a quarter of a full length Ironman. Quite an accomplishment, especially considering it was being finished just before noon in 80+ degree heat!
Being at this race causes me to admire people who also run well the race of life. In the New Testament, Paul referred to our lives as a race, and encouraged us to "run to win.". We all face times and seasons in life that can serve to discourage us - but we should always keep the prize in mind, and run our race well for God. With the right training, attitude, perseverance and faith, God can do an incredible work in our lives.
On another note, my family is all considering participating in the Nike+ 10k race coming up on August 31st called the "Human Race.". It is a race that will take place simultaneously in 24 cities around the world - our closest race is in Vancouver, BC. If schedules work out right, I'm considering running in it (it is on a Sunday, but in the late evening). Anyone interested in joining? If so, let's chat soon - hit me up for more info.
Have an incredible weekend. All of you at home back at Champions Centre, make it an off the charts weekend! Only two weeks until Team Church Conference.
Things are heating up...
I'm getting very excited for our upcoming Team Church Conference, happening in under three weeks (I can't believe it is already that close - this time of year always sneaks up on me!). Instead of sitting here allowing my head to spin on everything I have to do before the conference arrives, I'm remembering why I enjoy this event every year.
Every year at the conference the teaching is awesome, worship is off the charts, and new relationships are formed and strengthened.
When I look back on my experience growing up in our Church, I can see many defining moments in my life - people, events and experiences that shaped me into the person I am today. Many of these key times in my life we our annual youth camps. These were times where we would take time out of the summer to get away, build new relationships, and worship God with all we had. And in those times we pursued God, He really did a work in us....corporately and individually.
The most impacting thing about those events....(hold on, folks....this is going to be deep!)....is that I was there. I was present. I was in attendance at them! I was impacted by God, but that wouldn't have happened if I was absent. Its not like I would have had a make-up session if I wasn't there. By simply being at the camp, I positioned myself to receive something incredible from God.
I hope that you're positioning youself to be part of Team Church Conference (or 252 Conference - whichever applies!). That week promises to be an incredible time in God's presence, receiving wisdom for our lives.
Brandon Stewart
This message sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.
Creativity on a Tuesday morning
It is Tuesday Morning, and I'm sitting in a meeting room here at the Church offices waiting for our weekly creative team meeting to begin (with the typical latte in hand). This is our once a week meeting with Pastor where we come together to strategically and creatively plan our upcoming services and teaching series. (Wow - that was a mouthful)
It is funny to me that I attend a Creative Meeting. As if creativity could be confined to a meeting or an agenda. In fact, we notice our meetings often run long - or the discussion continues long after the meeting has ended. I love this meeting because it feels like I am doing something I was created to do - CREATE!
Genesis 1:27 NIV - "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him..."
As Ed Young has said (countless times probably), we are created in the image of our creative creator! We are created to create! Now, you may not consider yourself a creative person. But I guarantee you that you are fitted from the inside out with creativity - in the image of God.
God also wants to create something in you and I today. In fact, in Psalm 51:10 we see David's cry to God to "Create in me a pure heart, O God...". If we are open and receptive, God wants to create something new in us today!
God, today let me see how I can approach life and ministry with creativity. Let me usher in the new things you want to do in my life, and not become reliant on the past, for that takes no creativity whatsoever. May I bless the world around me with a fresh heart and spirit.
My personal action steps for today...
1. Find a creative way to invest into a young leader
2. Find a creative way to bless someone with a gift
3. Tackle a challenge with fresh passion and creativity.
Thanks for reading this today. I've returned to the blogging world, and you'll be hearing much more from me from here on out...
Be blessed today
The first post...
Alright...here goes nothing... my first blogging attempt! It's not that Blogs are anything new to the internet. But I have to admit, they are pretty new to me. Nevertheless, I'm convinced that this could be an excellent way for our teams at Church to stay connected in a whole new way. So, subscribe to the feed - and let's get the inspiration going!
This past Wednesday night at Anthem (Champions Centre's Young Adults Network), Pastor Sheila concluded our teaching series called "Anthem" by compelling us to write our personal mission statements. As only Ps Sheila can do, she took us through the process of writing a personal mission statement. As everyone in the group worked on their own mission statement, you could feel the room coming alive - people seeing their purpose, some for the first time!
Psalm 139:13 in the Message says this:
"...You shaped me first inside, then out;
you formed me in my mother's womb."
I revisited my mission statement - and decided that I truly like it. If I've never shared it with you, here is it:
My mission - I live to inspire, equip and empower people to love and build the House of God. This is my anthem.
I believe there is nothing we can do as Christians that is more in line with God's will than to love and build the House of God. There is nothing quite as rewarding as seeing someone accept Christ for the first time - and realizing that you played a part in altering someone's life for all eternity. This is the Church - the hands and feet of Jesus.
It is out of this heart that I have decided to write this blog on a regular basis. I hope to be a voice of inspiration into your life...a voice that will compel you to spend your life loving and building the very thing Jesus gave His life for...His Church!
Hope to see everyone in Church this weekend. If you're a Young Adult...ANTHEM is ON again this Wednesday!