THRIVING LEADERS = THRIVING CHURCHES Insights from a support Pastor, passionate about seeing The Church THRIVE.

THRIVE Leadership

Unified prayer

Tuesday, July 29, 2008 by Brandon Stewart

I've had an awesome day today. I was part of our regular Creative Meeting this morning for upcoming services....and then spent some time in prayer with a good segment of our church staff right before lunch. 

Our Church staff members made a decision last week to come together regularly each day this week for prayer. We wanted to pray in unity on several consecutive days....believing God for great things to happen at our conference. Its been awesome to see this group of busy, hard working people stop.....pause.....and take some time to really petition God for something significant at Team Church Conference.

I'd like to ask you to join us in take time every day between now and the conference to stop and pray over this event that is sitting on our doorstep. Jesus reminded us to simply ask when we desire to see something happen. He even tells a parable about a visitor at midnight....which shows us that our prayers can be answered even simply because of our persistence! 

So let's all be coming together this week - leading up to a great conference - and let's believe God for a significant conference next week!

Can't wait for this weekend - its going to be great!

Now I'm off to figure out something for lunch!

Brandon Stewart

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